Monday 27 May 2013

Why a holistic approach? Katy's story.

Are you fed up with being treated as a group of separate pieces rather than a whole person?

When I talk to my clients one of their main complaints is that modern medicine often approaches their health concerns as consisting of separate parts. When seeing their family doctor they are only allowed to discuss one issue at each visit, and will be referred to several different specialists, each to take care of one piece of their health.
The Holistic approach is different! A holistic practitioner will consider all of the pieces as part of the same whole being - YOU.
I would like to share Katy's story with you.
Katy came to me for relief from her chronic sinus issues. She also suffered from skin rashes, digestive issues and a 'weak back' which often felt sore. She had a nasal spray for her sinuses, a cream for the rash, pills for her digestion and a combination of anti-inflammatory pills and painkillers for her back.
I carried out an overall assessment of her symptoms, considering the factors which were triggering them. This included allergies / sensitivities, intolerances (items her body was not designed to deal with), nutritional deficiencies, emotional and structural issues.
Her sinuses were being affected by  food allergies and environmental allergies such as dust, mould, pollen and her cat: her digestion was being affected by food allergies and an intolerance to gluten: her back was triggered by a deficiency in iron and the gluten intolerance, both of which were affecting the function of her back, buttock and thigh muscles which in turn destabilised her lower spine. Her skin was partly allergies and partly triggered by stored emotions in her body relating to several traumatic events in her life.
Katy made some changes to her diet, started taking an iron supplement and drinking more water. We then treated her to desensitise her to the foods and environmental allergens. Within a few days this brought about relief from her sinuses and digestive issues, and over the next few weeks her back became progressively stronger and less sore. She is no longer taking any of her medications.
The last piece of the picture was the emotional component. There are a number of ways in which to tackle stored emotions in the body. Katy has begun treatment with a Classical Homeopath, this is an ongoing process, but has already brought about an even greater improvement to her digestion and skin.
This story really highlights the importance of considering all your symptoms as part of one whole, and addressing all of the underlying issues in order to achieve optimum health. I feel very lucky to be part of a diverse team of health professionals who will work with you to restore all the aspects of your health.

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