Monday 27 May 2013

Do you have Seasonal Allergies?

Perhaps you should think again...
Even if you do not have the classic symptoms of seasonal allergies such as sneezing, runny nose, congestion and itchy eyes you may still be suffering with reactions to the spring pollens and moulds.
We all know that allergies and sensitivities can cause symptoms such as those above, but did you know they can also cause less obvious health issues? Mould in particular can be linked to fatigue, muscle aches and pains, joint issues, brain fog, itchy skin and eyes, digestive issues and mood changes.
I remember one client of mine who had serious digestive issues. When she came to me she complained that every spring she would suffer with really bad bouts of nausea, intestinal cramps and palpitations. She couldn't understand why when she was always very careful about what she ate. We determined that she was reacting to the moulds.
Another client commented that just at the time when everyone else was celebrating the disappearance of the snow and the warm spring sunshine she felt really tired, achy and depressed. Turned out that she was also reacting to the moulds.
Clearly it is not possible to avoid mould in our environment, it is in the air, the soil and to some extent in our homes (the kitchen and bathroom will always have a little no matter how clean we are).
So what is the answer? You can go for allergy shots, a painful process which usually has to be repeated every year, or you can take prescription meds from the doctor, or over the counter allergy meds. These will help to suppress the symptoms but will not deal with the cause.
There is a system of allergy treatment that can effectively turn off your allergies and sensitivities. It is fast, painless, non-invasive and suitable for people of all ages from newborns to seniors. It is called NAET,  and is based on acupressure (no needles). It can even be used to alleviate severe anaphylactic allergies to peanut, milk, egg, latex, shellfish etc. Once treated the allergy is gone, usually for good. So, no more meds!

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