Wednesday 25 June 2014

Check your mecury intake from fish with this handy online calculator

Mercury is a naturally occurring element, but it is also a danger to human anatomy -- a neurotoxin to the brain. Mercury can spur allergies, irritability, social anxiety, shyness and even eating disorders like anorexia.

Today's precarious human activities facilitate mercury further into the air, soil and water. The burning of fossil fuels lets off elemental mercury that can take on many forms in the environment.

Fish readily take up these forms of mercury and pass it into humans. Today, the average mercury level in tuna measures 250 ppb, as documented by the US Natural News Forensic Food Lab.

A handy online calculator created by the National Resources Defense Council can help you monitor your mercury intake from a variety of seafood sources. The results warn if you have exceeded EPA safety limits.

For example, a 160-pound female who eats three cans of chunk light tuna per week exceeds the chart's safety zone. This is equivalent to consuming about 0.12 micrograms of mercury per kilogram of body weight per day, an amount exceeding EPA safety standards.

Sue Taylor

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